Polish Business Directory USA

Head Office
777 C  The Queensway, Toronto
Ontario, Canada M8Z 1N4

Tel: (416) 255-9182

Fax: (416) 255-9893

Email: mail@master.on.ca
Arizona Office
3521 W. Joan D'Arc
Phoenix, AZ 85029
Tel: (602) 978-1697
Cell: (602) 571-4665
Fax: (602) 978-1697
Po Polsku


In 2009, Master Printing, Inc. will publish the eighth edition of Polish Business Directory USA - 2009/2010. It is a free book similar to the "yellow-pages" containing advertisements of Polish firms, professionals, organizations and churches in the states with higher populations of Poles.

The Directory is divided into East and West sections, which in turn, are divided into individual states. Each section contains advertisements (yellow pages) and information related to the individual states. In addition, the book contains many interesting and practical information regarding life in the USA.

I this edition, nine western states are represented:
(Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Utach, Washington) and three eastern states (Nowy York, New Jersey, Floryda).

We invited you to advertise in the Polish Business Directory USA - 2009/2010 .

All advertisements placed in the printed version are automatically placed in the internet version at - www.polishbusinessdirectory.com

In order to place an advertisement, please contact us by June 15, 2009.

Roman Niemczyński
Representative for the state of Arizona

Roman Niemczyński
Representative in Arizona

For more information and advertisement submissions, please call:
Roman Niemczynski tel. 602-978-1697
Hanna Niemczynski cell. 602-571-4665
Fax / 602-978-1697
e-mail: hniemczynski@cox.net