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mareckiczy w tej anglji zdurnieli totalnie
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czy w tej anglji zdurnieli totalnie ?

ekonomja sie wali na calym swiecie a oni sie ciesza ze jakis pier****ny benkart sie chajta

imprezka za pieniadze podatnikow
28/04/2011  21:56 
VanBurenRE: czy w tej anglji zdurnieli totalnie
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lepiej sie martw czym usa bedzie splacalo odsetki od kredytow, bo na splate samych kredytow juz was nie stac. a jocker obama dalej sie usmiecha.
30/04/2011  15:28 
mareckiRE: czy w tej anglji zdurnieli totalnie
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prawie kazdy kraj teraz zadluzony po uszy poza chyba chinczykami

dziwi mie tylko ze anglicy popieraja ten caly monarchijny kabaret
ksiecia ksiezne , cale to barachlo kopa w dupe i do roboty pogonic a nie przechadzki w dylizansach
30/04/2011  15:56 
VanBurenRE: czy w tej anglji zdurnieli totalnie
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A komu to przeszkadza? Celebryci jak inni, a nawet lepsi, bo blekitnej krwi. Narod dostal dzien wolny, co ze swietem w poniedzialek daje 4 dni wolnego. Pogoda niezla, wiec tylko sie cieszyc.

A swoja droga rodzina krolewska raczej chyba nie ma zbyt wysokich not u spoleczenstwa. Skandale ksiecia Czarlsa i jego puszczalsiej zony zrobily swoje. Teraz mlodzi maja szanse to odkrecic.
01/05/2011  15:31 
VanBurenRE: czy w tej anglji zdurnieli totalnie
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Last month, the icm polling institute performed a survey in England in which 79 percent of respondents said they were “largely indifferent” or “couldn’t care less” about the wedding. Another poll found that although 35 percent of British adults planned to watch the wedding on television, the same proportion intended to ignore the event, with the balance saying they had made no specific plans for the day. Today the average Brit views the monarchy much like 23-year-old Irishman Daniel Murphy, who says “the monarchy belongs to another age.”

Then there are the anti-royalists, which comprise about 20 percent of the population. Their ranks have swelled since Prince William announced his engagement last year. Republic, Britain’s main republican campaign organization, for example, has seen it membership jump by roughly 50 percent since the announcement. Meanwhile, in the weeks leading up to tomorrow’s event, anti-royalists like widely read leftist journalist Johann Hari have waged a full-frontal assault on the monarchy. In a recent piece titled “This Royal Frenzy Should Embarrass Us All,” Hari explained that it wasn’t the wedding he opposed, but the “orgy of deference, snobbery and worship for the hereditary principle that will take place before, during and after it.”
01/05/2011  15:53